Friday 14 September 2012

Ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle. It occurs when the ovary discharges a mature egg into the fallopian tube for fertilization to take place. If you are trying to conceive, one of the most important things to understand is the menstrual and ovulation cycle. This can help you predict when you are most fertile in order to fall pregnant. So many people are unaware of the importance in knowing when you are ovulating in order to conceive. Creating an ovulation calendar would be a proficient tool to ascertain your days of ovulation. An ovulation calendar is used to calculate the days which are favourable for conception to take place. An ovulation test kit is a great method to double check this period of high fertility on your behalf. In this write-up, we are going to learn how an ovulation calendar works and how it may even help you determine the gender of your baby.

  • Ovulation Calendar

It is important in understanding a menstrual cycle first and foremost. The menstrual cycle consists of three phases namely; the follicular phase, ovulation phase and luteal phase. Ovulation is the most fertile period and occurs approximately ten to twelve hours after the LH surge. Therefore, having the knowledge of when you are ovulating will help you assess the best time to fall pregnant. An ovulation calendar helps you to calculate the probability of conceiving as its methodology is based on an ovulation period and other factors like the lifespan of the egg as well as that of the sperm.

This tool is more accurate when you are aware of how long your menstrual cycle is. You can determine this by tracking the number of days of your cycle consists of for about three to four months. A menstrual cycle starts on the first day of your period and ends on the day before your next menstrual cycle begins. Most women have regular cycles that last for 28 days while for others it fluctuates between 29 to 32 days.

Ovulation itself generally occurs between day 10 and day 20 of the full menstrual cycle, in other words 12 to 16 days before your next period is due. So for example if you have a regular 28 day cycle, ovulation should occur on day 14 before your next one. Sounds confusing doesn't it, but there is no need to worry. Using an ovulation kit to confirm your ovulating days within your menstrual cycle are one of the easiest and most accurate things to do. An ovulation kit can be purchased from all pharmacies. It consists of testing sticks plus a holder with a window in it. Urinating on the stick, much like taking a pregnancy test will confirm when an LH surge has occurred. You even have the choice of digital ovulation kits which may be easier to read. The kits contain the necessary guidelines and instruction on when to start testing etc.
  • Ovulation Calendar and the Gender of the Baby.

The prediction of the ovulation date, accompanied with great accuracy by using an ovulation kit may also help you predetermine your baby's gender. The male sperm has an advantage because they are faster but die out quickly, so if you are trying to get pregnant during the ovulation period, they will swim faster and pass the egg first thus increases the chances of conceiving a boy.

On the other hand, because the male sperm dies out quickly than the female sperm, if you have intercourse a few days earlier than the ovulation day, then there are high chances that you will conceive a girl. This theory can be a great help as it will help you to plan more effectively. Note that a sperm lasts in the woman's body for 4 days but the egg only lives for about 12- 24 hours after ovulation.

The afore-mentioned information clearly depicts the importance of an ovulation calendar. Spend a little time in understanding your menstrual cycle and you will be able to ascertain your days of ovulation more accurately. Most couples take about a year of trying naturally before they can conceive, but by taking advantage of understanding how the menstrual cycle, and ovulation calendar works you will be able to increase your chances of falling pregnant. Be smart, plan for your baby and reduce the pressure from friends and family.

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